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Photo of Val Ravelle Pilates Instructor sitting with cup of tea

I learned to teach Pilates with the legendary Alan Herdman, who brought Pilates to the UK in 1970.


Alan always taught us ‘Client first; technique second’, an approach which I strive to bring my own teaching.


I love the classical Pilates exercises, but I also like to work with contemporary, creative variations, and to add in functional exercises using Pilates principles to help with gait, balance and bone building.


I teach Pilates for bone health (osteoporosis-safe exercise), as well as Pilates-based exercise for neurological conditions such as MS, Parkinson’s, and stroke.

Before Pilates came into my life I trained as a massage therapist and shiatsu practitioner. I later qualified to teach nordic walking and stretch therapy and became interested in natural movement. So I took a course in biomechanics with Katy Bowman and attended outdoor tree climbing and movement classes with Ben Medder, a highly inspiring teacher in London.


Since training with Alan Herdman I’ve taken numerous CPD courses and workshops with Pilates luminaries such as Ann McMillan, Viktor Uygan, and Rebekkah Rotstein. I also love the work of Sherri Betz, Madeline Black, and Brent Anderson.


My latest area of interest is in Pilates-based exercise for neurological conditions, and I've completed foundation and advanced trainings with Mariska Breland and Meghann Koppele of the Neuro Studio.



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